
VA 7 Hour Treatment Processes & Systems Wastewater Package

  • 7 Hour Course
  • $60.00

This 7 Hour Treatment Processes & Systems Wastewater Package is intended for Water Operators licensed in the state of Virginia.

The course begins with a portion dedicated to the processes of coagulation and flocculation.

This segment examines what is actually defined as coagulation and flocculation and how they function together, and then how effective the processes are in water management. It also provides background on the Safe Drinking Water Act.

The second segment of the course explores the processes of Oxidation and UV Disinfection. The segment also shows the differences and similarities between Ozone Disinfection and UV Disinfection.

The course concludes with a portion dedicated to Membrane Processes. This section begins with a brief overview and then examines the following subjects:

  • Source Water
  • Reverse Osmosis, Nanofiltration, and Electrodialysis Reversal, and
  • Wastewater
  • Approved By: N/A

Instructor Bio

tony goff water tech instructor atyourpaceonline

Tony Goff, holds a Bachelor's degree in Business Law and has over twenty years of experience in the water industry. Tony holds an upper management position with a large water district in Southern California. Tony is a Subject Matter Expert in the field of drinking water distribution and holds a treatment 5 certificate and a distribution 5 certificate.